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[DataBase] Storage 본문
Storage Hierarchy
cache : in process L cache
main memory : DRAM
flash memory : Flash
magnetic disk : distk : HDD
optical disk (deprecated)
magnetic tapes (deprecated)
primary storage : cache, main memory
secondary storage : on-line storage, flash memory, magnetic disk
tertiary storage : off-line storage, magnetic tape, optical storage
Storage Interfaces
Direct Connected:
- SATA v3 : 6gbit/sec
- SAS v3 : 12gbit/sec
- NVMe : 24gbit/sec
SAN : Storage Area Networks
NAS : Network Attached Storage
Performance Measures
Access time
- Seek time
- Rotational latency
Data-transfer rate
Disk block
Sequential access pattern
Random access pattern
I/O operations per second (IOPS)
Mean time to failure (MTTF)
Flash Storage
inplace update -> HDD only
copy on write -> NAND Flash
-> FTL (Flash Transition Layer)
RAID : Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks
- high capacity and high speed
- high reliability
Mirroring(or shadowing)
Striping (bit or block level)
RAID Levels
RAID 0 : Block Striping
RAID 1 : Disk Mirroring
RAID 2 : Bit Interleaving + hamming
RAID 3 : Bit Interleaving + Parity
RAID 4 : Block Interleaving + Parity → Parity Disk 병목
RAID 5 : Block Interleaving + Parity block distbute
RAID 6 : 2Parity block
RAID 10 (1 + 0) / RAID 01 (0 + 1) :
RAID 5 + Hotspare :