Study/ 이전
Markdown 문법 정리 (w/ JupyterLab)
2022. 6. 21. 07:05
1. Markdown 이란?
2. Header
# heading 1
## heading 2
### heading 3
#### heading 4
##### heading 5
###### heading 6
heading 1
heading 2
heading 3
heading 4
heading 5
heading 6
headin 1
heading 2
headin 1
heading 2
3. Emphasis
*itilic* _itilic_
**bold** __bold__
_**bold** with itilic_ *bold __with__ itilic*
<U>under line</U>
~~cancel line~~
itilic itilic
bold bold
bold with itilic bold with itilic
under linecancel line
4. list
Unordered Lists
- unordered item using -
+ unordered item using +
* unordered item using *
- unordered item using -
- unordered item using +
- unordered item using *
Ordered Lists
1. first item
2. second item
1. third item
- first item
- second item
- third item
Task Lists
- [ ] check box
- [x] checked
- check box
- checked
Nested and Mixed Lists
1. first item
1. first sub item
2. second sub item
2. second item
+ sub item
- sub item
+ [x] with check
+ unordered item
1. first sub item
2. second sub item
3. [ ] with check
- first item
- first sub item
- second sub item
- second item
- sub item
- sub item
- with check
- unordered item
- first sub item
- second sub item
- with check
5. Link
Some [link](#) can also be shown
Some link can also be shown
6. Code
this is a normal block
this is a code block using tap(4space)
end code block
this is a normal paragraph
this is a code block using tap(4space)
end code block
def func(v):
if __name__ == '__main__':
def func(v):
if __name__ == '__main__':
9. BlockQuote
> Block Quote
>> Second Block Quote
>>> Third Block Quote
> 1. list
- other list
Block Quote
Second Block Quote
Third Block Quote
- list
- other list
```python ```